Here you will find the deliverables, publications, and communication material of the project
Public Deliverables
Deliverables will be available for download in pdf form
- D2.1 Overview of features, competences and tools for education for sustainable development (ESD)
- D2.2 Pedagogical model for the GEO Academy for teacher education and professional development
- D2.3 E-learning modules for geo-tools
- D3.1 Start-up Model for teacher training
- D3.2 Educational and Assessment Model for teaching training
- D4.1 National hubs established School Community GEO-Hubs established
- D4.2 GEOBSERVE site available
- D4.3 GEO- KITS
- D5.1 Implementation Plan for the Training Activities
- D6.1 GEO-Academy’s website, information materials and e- Newsletter
- D6.3 Project's Dissemination Materials
- D6.4 GEO-Academy International Conference Proceedings
Communication material
Geo-Academy flyer
Download the Geo-Academy flyer
Geo Academy brochure
Download the Geo-Academy brochure
Project Logo
Download the project logo